Color Schemes of Logos
This logo is analogous because it uses a darker brown on top of a more tan color, and I think that they chose this logo because it makes you think of a box that a package ups would deliver to you.
This logo is analogous because it uses a darker green with more of a neon yellow, and I think this brand chose this logo because you associate green with the outdoors.
This logo uses warm colors in an analogous style, they use warm reds and oranges to represent warmth. This logo uses the darker maroon to represent a shadow and the yellow orange to be the highlights.
This logo is different from the last, it still uses warm toned colors, although they are used in a gradient demo a warm red to a yellow orange. This again is used to represent warmth.
This logo includes the cool toned colors purple and green. The green represents a more natural feel, and a company wants to consumers to believe their products are natural.
The FedEx ground logo also uses the cool toned colors purple and green, I believe they would chose these colors because they represent a feeling of peace and calmness, and they want you to trust their services.
This logo is monochromatic and adds a tint towards the right to represent light, there is also shade at the bottom left to add dimension and bring it to life. I feel they chose this logo because it is calming and feels full.
The type logo is monochromatic because it shows a gradient from a lighter blue with a tint at the top, to a shaded darker blue at the bottom. I feel Skype chose to go with this logo because it is supposed to represent a cloud, and the shading truly makes it feel three dimensional.
The Firefox logo represents a complementary color scheme because it is and orange red and blue. I believe they chose this logo because the warm orange represents the fire, and it is a search engine so the blue globe seems logical.
The Krispy Kreme logo is complementary because it uses red and green. I believe they would of chose these colors because red is often used in food, and is thought to make people hungry.
triad color
The Burger King logo represents a triad color scheme because it uses red, yellow, and blue. I think they chose this because the large red font again makes people think of food.
The Dole logo also uses the triad colors, red, yellow and blue. I think they decided to do this because the center of attention goes to the bright and neon yellow, which makes you think of a sun.