Point A to B Transition
For this project we were assigned to have a person move from point A to point B, with obstacles in between. Through this we were supposed to create a small story, ours was a young lady being tardy to school but then realizing she has a test, so she rips up her tardy pass and leaves the building. We use long shots, medium shots, close ups, and over the shoulder shots to show this girls journey around the school. For this project I acted more so of a cameraman/ director although we all exchanged ideas and considered everyones input. I really enjoyed this project because I am far more experienced with Premiere Pro and since I was familiar with it, I had an easier time making my vision come to life. I also really enjoyed the music I chose and I feel like the parts and emotions in the music correspond with my video and I really enjoy that. If i were to do this again I would try to keep the lighting consistent, looking back on my film I notice that as I moved to different parts of the building the lighting varies. Overall I really enjoyed this project and I am very excited to do the chase scene!